of Medication
Policy 2019

Administration of Medication Policy
Policy Statement
Play Inclusion Project believes that the wellbeing of the children and young people who attend our activities to be paramount. We recognise that due to the complex medical needs of the children and young people we support that some children and young people may need to take prescription medication during their time with Play Inclusion Project. Play Inclusion Project will ensure that there is always a member of staff either trained or willing to administer medication at each session.
Administration of Medication
A Medication Form must be completed and signed by the parent/carer for every child that attends an activity. This includes children who do not require any medication during the day or at all.
Medication can only be accepted for children with an on-going non-infectious medical condition, where a course of medication is being completed, or medication is required to be taken on a long-term daily basis.
A handover of medication form must be completed each day that medication is brought to a session and the following must be recorded:
Child’s name
Child’s DOB
Name of medication
Time of last dose
Date medication was dispensed
Period prescribed for
All medication should be brought in original packaging confirming child’s name dosage and frequency.
The Activity Coordinator will store medication away from the children and ensure they are locked away.
The Activity Coordinator will always check the child’s care plan, medication form, handover of medication form and packaging to ensure that the correct dose is administered.
Medication will only be administered if:
There is a member of staff present who is willing to do so
The appropriate medication form and handover of medication form has been completed
the medication is supplied by the parent in the original packaging
the child’s name is visible on the packaging
the medication is ‘in date’
the dose does not exceed manufacturers dosage instructions
only one dose will be given on any one day
Medication must be administered in a separate room, away from the rest of the group whenever possible.
Only one child/young person is to be given medication at any time
Medication must be administered in a separate room, away from the rest of the group whenever possible.
Only one child/young person is to be given medication at any time
Every time medication is administered, the Activity Coordinator will enter onto an Administration of Medication form the following:
the name of the medication administered
the dosage
time given
This will then be checked by the Second in Command.
Only after the Administration of Medication Form has been completed and the medication has been thoroughly checked by the Activity Coordinator and the Second in Command should medication be administered. After administering medication, the the Administration of Medication Form must be signed and dated by the person administering the medication and the person who witnessed the medication being given.
If a child’s own support worker/direct payment worker is in attendance:
The direct payment worker will be responsible for the administration of any medication.
A second person will sign as witness.
When correct procedures are followed, staff will not be responsible for any complications as a result of the medication administered.
If a child refuses to take medication, staff will not force them to do so but will record it on the administration of Medication form. Parents will be informed of the refusal on collection of their child.
Rescue Medication
If a child has a seizure, the Supervisor will follow the details contained in the child’s care plan and time the length of the seizure.
Play Inclusion Project staff have been trained to administer Buccal Midazolam. The medication will be administered into the buccal cavity and rubbed in through the cheek, with half being administered on one side of the mouth and half on the other.
If a child or young person is having a seizure, rescue medication will be administered at 5 minutes and an ambulance will be called.
As with all medication the child’s name must be on the box/packaging and the paper seal must not be broken. The above procedure for administering medication will be followed.