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Policy 2019


Attendance Policy


Policy Statement


Play Inclusion Project delivers Activity Clubs during school holidays and weekly activities in Blackpool, Preston, Fylde and Wyre for children and young people with additional needs and disabilities.  Individual support needs are met by support staff and volunteers.


Prior to a child or young person attending an activity, Play Inclusion Project must have the following:

  • Emergency contact numbers

  • Medical information including any medication taken at home or during the day

  • Completed care plan and consent form

  • Equal opportunities monitoring form

  • Swimming consent form

  • Social media consent form


All activities will be invoiced for, in advance and are non-refundable.




  • Children and young people wishing to attend our activities will be placed in a social bubble with no more than 5 other children and young people and 6 staff.

  • Wherever possible the same group of staff will work with the same social bubble of children and young people.

  • Sessions on offer will be determined by Activity Coordinators and parents will be informed as soon as possible.

  • Children will not be able to attend on days they have not been allocated, they can only attend with their social bubble.


Non-attendance Procedure


  • Parents/carers must inform the Activity Coordinator if their child is unable to attend as soon as possible.

  • If a child/young person has not arrived after 30 minutes and parents have not contacted to explain their absence, the Activity Coordinator should contact the office to check if a message has been left. If no message has been received at the office the Activity Coordinator should contact parents/carers to find out why the child or young person has not arrived.  If there is no answer a message should be left asking parents/carers to contact you.

  • If at the end of the session, there has still been no contact from the absent child’s/young person’s parents/carers, the Activity Coordinator should telephone again before leaving the premises.

  • If the absent child/young person fails to attend their next session and you still have not received contact from parents/carers, the Activity Coordinator should again try to make contact via telephone. If there is still no reply, contact the child’s emergency contact number.  If there is still no explanation for the child’s/young person’s absence and you have concerns as to the child’s/young person’s welfare, follow the safeguarding procedure outlined in the safeguarding policy.

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