Care of Sick Children & Illness Policy 2022
Care of Sick Children/Illness Policy
Policy Statement
Under no circumstances should a sick child or a child displaying symptoms of illness be brought to an activity session. It is our belief that sick children need to be at home where they are best cared for and can recover from their illness. In addition, sick and ill children will expose other children and staff whom they come into contact with. These people can then in turn expose other children and staff at the session.
Because some of the children who access are activities have weakened immune systems, your cooperation on this issue is extremely important.
Care of Sick Children
To control the spread of infection we need to exclude children with sickness and infectious illnesses including COVID-19, from all of our activities.
If a child becomes ill whilst at a session, staff will make every effort to make the child comfortable. The Activity Coordinator will contact parents/carers to arrange for the child to be collected. Parents/carers are expected to pick their child up within 1 hour.
If a parent/carer cannot be reached, or have not arrived within an hour, the emergency contact person will be called and asked to come and collect the child.
If a child is prescribed antibiotics, they must have been taking their antibiotic medicine for 48 hours before returning, to rule out any possible reactions to the medicine.
Children with diarrhoea and/or vomiting must be kept away from sessions until at least 48 hours after their symptoms have gone. Most cases of diarrhoea and vomiting in children get better without treatment, but if symptoms persist, consult your GP.
It is imperative that parents/carers notify staff if they have administered medication or if they suspect their child may be unwell.
If it is the case that the parent has administered medication for a high temperature that morning, the child should not attend that day.