& Diversity Policy 2022

Equal Opportunity and Diversity Policy
Policy Statement
Equal opportunity and diversity are about dignity; the worth of each individual, the elimination of prejudice and of judgements based on fear and prejudice. Play Inclusion Project is striving for excellence in its service. We are aiming to provide equal opportunity in all our services and to all our service users.
Play Inclusion Project wholeheartedly endorses the principle of equal opportunities and diversity for all members of society and believes that all persons connected to the organisation should be treated fairly and equitably. Our Equal Opportunity and Diversity Policy aims to ensure no employee, job applicant, current or prospective volunteer, trainee or service user is placed at a disadvantage by reason of their race, colour, ethnic origins, culture, gender or gender reassignment, marital status, disability, offending background, pregnancy or maternity, class, sexual orientation, age, trade union activities, political or religious beliefs, or by requirements or conditions which cannot be justifiable on other grounds.
All employees, job applicants, current or prospective volunteers, trainees and service users will be treated with dignity and respect and we will provide an environment free from unlawful discrimination, harassment or victimisation.
Play Inclusion Project considers it to be the duty of all individuals involved in the organisation to accept personal responsibility for the practical application of this policy.
General policy
Play Inclusion Project is committed to the provision of equality of opportunity for all and is formulating and implementing policies and practices to this end.
In the provision of equal opportunities, the charity realises and accepts its responsibilities under the law. The policy also aims to reach beyond legislative boundaries to provide equality of opportunity regardless of age, colour, ethnic origin, family responsibility, gender, marital status, nationality, race, religion, or disability.
Employment rights
Play Inclusion Project is an equal opportunities employer. It is important that people from all groups in society are represented at all levels of employment. This is important both for the success and development of the charity and for the provision of role models.
The recruitment policies at Play Inclusion Project will strive to eliminate unfair discrimination at each stage of the recruitment process and throughout an individual's period of employment;
Play Inclusion Project aims to act positively, by means of good practice, to redress society's discrimination;
Play Inclusion Project will ensure that all employees and all those acting on behalf of the charity are aware of and abide by the Equal Opportunity and Diversity Policy.
Play Inclusion Project continues to establish systematic programmes of change across the Project, to empower volunteers and staff who are disabled to achieve their full potential.
Overall responsibility for equal opportunities and diversity lies with the members of the Management Committee who are responsible for ensuring that the Equal Opportunity and Diversity Policy is implemented in their areas of responsibility.
The Manager and Chair are responsible for taking any action on decisions relating to equal opportunities in employment matters, coordinating the monitoring of the effectiveness of the policy and providing general guidance in relation to this policy.
All employees and volunteers are responsible for ensuring that their actions are carried out in the terms of their general policy and codes of practice. They maybe held personally accountable should any complaint arise.
The development and monitoring of the Equal Opportunity and Diversity Policy is supported by the Manager who is responsible for developing and coordinating initiatives that will enhance diversity and equality of opportunity within the charity.
The general policy relates to all aspects of employment and volunteering, including advertisements, recruitment, pay, terms and conditions of service, training, volunteer and staff opportunities, benefits, promotions, grievance and disciplinary procedures.
Persons not employed by Play Inclusion Project but who are involved in activities, such as visitors, clients, external contractors etc, are expected to operate within the terms of the general policy.
The policy applies to the treatment of potential as well as existing employees and volunteers.
Play Inclusion Project is committed to a working and learning environment that is free from unlawful discrimination.
Play Inclusion Project is committed to a working and learning environment that is free of intimidation or unlawful harassment as defined in the Sex Discrimination Act (1975) and the Race Relations Act (1976).
Play Inclusion Project is committed to using language spoken, written and visual, which avoids sexism and racism, or languages offensive to those with a disability within the organisation. This includes all its official documents, committee reports and promotional and advertising material thus embracing best practice.
Consultation with staff and volunteers will be a necessary part of implementing the general policy and the specific policies and procedures.
Staff and volunteers will be informed of their responsibilities towards the promotion and implementation of equal opportunity and diversity policies and procedures.
The Manager will provide monitoring details to the Committee on an annual basis (demonstrating progress in implementation).
Appropriate training will be provided to assist with implementation.
Advice on the implementation of the specific policies will be available from the Manager and Committee.
Play Inclusion Project will adopt the best practice in the light of both internal and external research and experience.
Any complaints made regarding inequality will be dealt with under the terms of the Complaints Policy, bearing in mind the safeguarding of individuals.
Any member of the Charity who suffers from unfair discrimination will have the support of the Management. Please refer to the Complaints Policy and Harassment Policy for further information.