Lost Child
Lost Child Policy
Policy Statement
The safety and wellbeing of children and young people is Play Inclusion Project’s highest priority. Every attempt is made to ensure the safety of children and young people through following, reviewing and updating policies, procedures and risk assessments.
Lost from the Setting
Doors and gates should be kept locked at all times. However, in the unlikely event of a child being lost from the venue or setting the following procedure should be followed:
The Activity Coordinator should be immediately informed and staff identified to search the surrounding area that the child was last seen, then the building followed by outside areas.
If the child is not found then the child’s parents should be alerted.
Information should be sought from other children in the group according to age and understanding.
A member of staff may be detailed to search outside the building if there is any information to suggest the child’s possible whereabouts or direction of travel.
Parents and Supervisor will liaise re calling the police.
If the child is not found after 15 minutes the police will be called.
Children Lost on an Outing
If a child is lost on an outing the member of staff noticing the child missing should alert all staff and the Activity Coordinator who should carry out a head count.
A member of staff or the whole group (if appropriate) should re trace their movements to the last place that the child was seen.
Another member of staff should alert the management of the venue/organisation being visited.
Children on the visit should be asked for any relevant information.
If the child is not found straightaway the Charity Manager should be informed and the child’s parents.
If the child is not found after 15 minutes then the police should be called.
Measures in place to ensure a child does not go missing
Entry to authorised/identified persons only.
Gates and doors to be kept locked.
Information to parents/carers and staff about challenging unknown persons on the premises and at the door.
Supervision of children at all times by appointed support worker/carer.
Sufficient staff to maintain ratio’s with back-up plan.
Individual risk assessments to be completed where necessary.
Risk assessments to be completed beforehand for all trips and outings
Trips to venues outside local area to be appropriately researched i.e. Eating/toileting facilities, access and suitability for age and appropriately staffed.
Updated July 2022
By Joanne Barnes