Behavioural Management Policy 2020
Behaviour Management Policy
Policy Statement
Play Inclusion Project’s Behaviour Management Policy is to respect each child as an individual, acknowledging and promoting their rights so that each child begins to develop an understanding of the needs and rights of others as well as themselves. It is important that we help to build the child’s self esteem in order that they have the confidence to communicate their feelings in a positive way.
Parents and staff working together within a clear framework of simple rules which are consistently enforced in a manner appropriate to the age and level of understanding of their child will ensure that we promote a positive environment with clear boundaries.
Our aim is that:
Children will be provided with positive role models.
Children will be praised for acceptable behaviour and encouraged to mirror their positive role models.
Children will be given clear explanations as to why their behaviour has been unacceptable in a way that they can clearly comprehend.
Children will be encouraged to deal with disputes with other children by helping them to voice their dislike for unacceptable behaviour towards them.
Children will be involved in discussions (whenever possible) about acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and encouraged to express their feelings and think about the feelings of others.
Play Inclusion Project understands that children and young people with disabilities are likely to display behaviours that challenge. We recognise that behaviours that challenge, are those that are done to serve a purpose, such as communicating an unmet need or interacting with another person. Behaviour is considered challenging if it poses a risk or harm to the child or others.
Play Inclusion Project never uses negative statements such as ‘naughty’ and always put the emphasis on the action rather than the child personally.
Behaviour Management
We would like everyone who attends the activities we deliver to be happy, enjoy the activities and have a good time. For everyone to do this, we need to have a behaviour policy in place for all of us (children, staff and volunteers) to act in an appropriate manner. All children and young people should be able to enjoy and participate in activities without fear of negative or aggressive behaviour from anybody.
The following are examples of behaviour we would consider unacceptable behaviour:
Fighting, violent or aggressive behaviour including hitting, kicking, punching, biting or spitting
Abusive language including swearing at staff, other young people or members of the public
Dangerous behaviour including running off, climbing and being in restricted areas
Racist, homophobic and sexist language
Disrespectful behaviour towards other people
Deliberate damage to property
Using your power, strength or authority to intimidate others
Possession of and taking of drugs, alcohol or other illegal substances
Use of weapons as a form of intimidation towards others
Continually not following instructions
When children behave in unacceptable ways:
They will not be singled out or humiliated in any way. Where children display unacceptable behaviours or behaviours that challenge, they will, wherever possible be removed from the situation and offered an alternative activity.
Discussions with children will take place as to why their behaviour was not acceptable, respecting their level of understanding and maturity.
Staff will not raise their voices (other than to keep children safe).
It will be made clear to the child that it is the behaviour and not the child that is unwelcome.
We decide how to handle behaviour depending on the child’s age, level of understanding, disability and the circumstances surrounding the behaviour. This may involve asking the child to talk and think about what he/she has done.
All staff support children in developing empathy and children will only be asked to apologise if they have developed strong empathy skills and have a good understanding of why saying sorry is appropriate.
We help staff to reflect on their own responses towards episodes of behaviours that challenge to ensure that their reactions are appropriate.
We only use physical intervention for the purpose of averting immediate danger or personal injury to any person (including the child) or to manage a child’s behaviour as a last resort. We keep a record of any occasions where physical intervention is used and inform parents on the same day, or as reasonably practicable.
We recognise that there may be times where children may have regular occasions where they lose control and may need individual techniques to restrain them. This will only be carried out by staff who have been appropriately trained to do so. Any restraints will only be done following recommended guidance and training. We will complete an incident form following any restraints used and notify the parents
We inform parents if their child’s behaviour is unkind to others or if their child has been upset. In all cases we deal with inappropriate behaviour at the time. We may ask parents to meet with staff to discuss their child’s behaviour, so that if there are any difficulties, we can work together to ensure consistency.
In some cases, we may request additional advice and support from other professionals, such as teachers.
We support children in developing non-aggressive strategies to enable them to express their feelings.
We keep confidential records on any inappropriate behaviour that has taken place. We inform parents and ask them to read and sign any incidents concerning their child.
Supporting Positive Behaviour
All children are unique and should be supported in a way that reflects this. Play Inclusion project will use the following strategies to promote positive behaviours:
Being consistent in approach to behaviour that challenges
Praising and rewarding positive behaviour
Role modelling positive behaviour
Never punishing behaviour that challenges
Enabling the child to communicate in a way that they prefer
Whilst we are operating during the COVID-19 pandemic additional rules will need to be followed to control the spread of the disease and keep everyone safe. These are:
Everyone must sanitise their hands upon entering a setting
All individuals must regularly wash their hands
Social distancing measures must be followed wherever possible
Unfortunately due to the pandemic, any child spitting and/or biting will be sent home.